Become a Sweep

Becoming an Accredited Sweep  

Steering a dragon boat team is an incredibly rewarding experience, and our 5-stage recognition pathway is designed to help you grow and excel as a Sweep. Through this process, your skills, knowledge, and achievements will be acknowledged, with the goal of reaching Level 3 Sweep accreditation.

All Sweeps must abide by the NZDBA Sweep Accreditation rules

Your Path to Becoming a Level 3 Sweep

Level 0 to 1: Entry-Level Sweep
You’ll start under "Direct Supervision” with a Level 3 Sweep mentor in the boat at all times, guiding you until you’ve demonstrated satisfactory sweeping skills.

Level 1 to 2: Indirect Supervision 
Once you pass both written and practical assessments, you’ll advance to “Indirect Supervision” where a Level 3 Sweep mentor will stay in audible contact during your practice.

Level 2 to 3: Independent Sweeping  
To achieve full accreditation, you must complete three incident-free racing events as a Sweep. One of these must be a NZDBA Sanctioned Event, and two of the three races must be in standard 20-person boats. Multi-day events will count as separate events.

Ready to Get Started?

1. Submit your Expression of Interest: Sweep EOI - Auckland Dragon Boat Association (
2. Select your Level 3 Sweep Mentor: Your mentor will guide you and directly supervise your team in the boat.  
3. Book your practical test: Contact the Sweep Coordinator to schedule your practical test and advance to Level 2.  
4. Complete your theory test: Study and take your Level 2 theory test online.  
5. Keep practicing: The more you steer, the better you’ll become—so get out there as often as you can!  
6. Start racing: Once you're confident, get out on the water and race!  


Contact Us for More Information

For more details or to book your practical test, contact Chris, our Sweep Coordinator: