We've been eagerly looking forward to the Auckland Dragon Boat Association's "Give it a Go" Day on Sunday, 1st October. Unfortunately, we need to reschedule due to the sinkhole incident in Parnell that has caused harbour contamination. Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei in partnership with Watercare have placed a rāhui, a formal cultural restriction, over the Waitemata Harbour in efforts to keep you safe, and protect our environment.
While we understand this may be disappointing, we are pleased to inform you of the new event date:
New Date: Sunday, 15th October 2023
Time: 8:30 am - 10.30am
Location: Z Pier, Westhaven Marina
Your registration for the original event will not be carried over, so if you would like to attend the new date, please register here
We apologise for any inconvenience this change may cause and hope to see you on Sunday,15th October for an enjoyable morning on the water.
Auckland Dragon Boat Association